HALAL FOODS CATEGORIES: Preservation Techniques, Processing Technology and Allowable Additives and Processing Aids
- Specificities of Halal food products / Classification of food products / Properties of food ingredients / Alteration of Food products / Food preservation approach /
Definition of additives and processing aids / Requirements of the standard GSO 2055.1
Food preservation methods
- An overview of food preservation methods / Physical methods of preservation / Chemical methods of preservation / Biological methods of preservation
Food technology and processing
For each food category, the following items will be presented: the principles and approved specifications and standards : examples of general flow charts for the production / view potential defects and optimization measures to be a halal product / principles of the equipment used.
- Farming animals and plants / Products with long shelf life at room temperature / Perishable vegetable products / Perishable animal products / Feed production / Food Service and Distribution / Chemical and Biochemical Manufacturing / Transport and storage / Packaging and wrapping material manufacturing
Use of food additives and processing aids
For each additive and processing aid, the following items will be covered: Classification, applications, functional properties, advantages and disadvantages, Halal, Haram or Mashbouh status.
- Food colors / Preservatives / Antioxidants / Emulsifiers / Foaming agents / Additives affecting the texture (thickeners, gelling agents, stabilizers) /Sweeteners and flavorings / Enzymes / Microorganisms ….
nctionalethods of preservationNational and International Regulations of food additives
- Concept of Maximum Use Level (MUL) / Lists of permitted additives and quantities allowed per food group / Synergy concepts and interaction between additives
Reasons for the prohibition or suspicion of some ingredients and food additives
- Source / Risk for human health / Important dangers caused by some additives in the absence of the application of regulations and laws / Behavior in case there is doubt about a component / Scientific analysis to find out that ingredient/additives/processing aids are Halal, Mechbouh or Haram
Case studies
Applications for additives / Applications for raw materials / Group Application Test
General summary of the session
Evaluation test for participants
Course times
SN | Date | Location | Fees | Apply |
1 | 01 - 05 Dec 2019 | Riyadh | 5000 | Ended |