Food safety management systems- Requirements for any organization in the food chain According to ISO 22000:2018


The site of FSMS in quality systems / The concept of quality in food industries

-  Context of the organization

-  Leadership

 - Planning   /  Support /  Resources /  Documented information

- Operation

 - Concept of  V/S/V

- Methods of validation /  Performance evaluation / Improvement

- NCs case study

Course Content:

 Food Safety Management System

-        The site in quality systems

-        The concept of quality in food industries (Halal Products

-        -         The concept of HACCP and FSMS

1 Scope / 2 Normative references / 3 Terms and definitions

4 Context of the organization

- Understanding the organization and its context

- Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

- Determining the scope of the food safety management system

- Food safety management system

5 Leadership

-  Leadership and commitment

-  Policy

-  Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

6 Planning.

- Actions to address risks and opportunities

- Objectives of the food safety management system and planning to achieve them

- Planning of changes

7 Support

- Resources

- Competence

- Awareness

- Communication

- Documented information

8 Operation

- Operational planning and control

- Prerequisite programs (PRPs)

 -Traceability system

 - Emergency preparedness and response

8.5 Hazard control

- Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis

- Hazard analysis

- Validation of control measure(s) and combinations of control measures

- Hazard control plan (HACCP/OPRP plan)

8.6 Updating the information specifying the PRPs and the hazard control plan

8.7 Control of monitoring and measuring

8.8 Verification related to PRPs and the hazard control plan

- Verification

- Analysis of results of verification activities

- Control of product and process nonconformities

Concept of  V/S/V

- Methods of validation

- Methods of surveillance

- Methods of verification


- The contribution of the analysis laboratory

9 Performance evaluation

- Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

- Internal audit

- Management review

10 Improvement

- Nonconformity and corrective action

- Continual improvement

- Update of the food safety management system

- General conclusion of the session

Course Objectives

·  Understanding the food safety and management system requirements of the international standards ISO 22000:2018 

·  Understanding how describing the model of a hazard analysis based FSMS

·  Understanding the risk-based approach of ISO 22000:2018

·         Auditors and employee of FSMS certification bodies

·         Auditors and employee of certification bodies

·         Assessors of accreditation bodies

·         Personnel  responsible/involved for developing and maintaining FSMS

·         Personnel of food manufactures

·         Managers/ Owners/ Management team planning to implement ISO 22000:2018

Food Safety expert

 certificate of training on the requirements of ISO 22000: 2018

Course times

SN Date Location Fees Apply
1 01 - 03 Sep 2019 Tabuk 3750 Ended