Accreditation requirements for providers of proficiency tests in accordance with International Standard ISO / IEC 17043: 2010


Interlaboratory comparisons including proficiency testing are widely used for a number of purposes and their use is increasing internationally. The ISO/IEC 17043:2010  Standard specifies general requirements for the competence of providers of proficiency testing schemes and for the development and operation of proficiency testing schemes. The standard provide a consistent basis for all interested parties to determine the competence of organizations that provide proficiency testing such as laboratories,  regulators, accreditation bodies and other organizations that specify requirements for laboratories. 



2.Terms and definitions

3.Technical requirements:

-Design of proficiency testing schemes

-Statistical design and value assignments

-Operation  of proficiency  testing schemes

-Data analysis and performance  evaluation

-Reporting (PT report) and  Communication with participants


4.       Management requirements


-Management system

-Documents and data control

-Non-conforming work, corrective actions, preventive actions

-Internal audit and management review

-This  training program will  provide  participants  the  knowledge needed for design,  operation, data analysis, performance evaluation  and  assessment  of proficiency testing  providers.

-Enhance laboratories capability in the selection of relevant proficiency testing programs and provides.

-Improve laboratories knowledge for analysis and use of PT results.

-Proficiency testing providers who need to comply with ISO /IEC 17043:2010 requirements.

-Laboratories  participating  in  proficiency  testing  and interlaboratory comparisons  who wants to    interpret  their  performance  correctly to improve management system performance and validity of results.

-Assessors and auditors who need to assess   proficiency testing schemes accordingly to ISO/IEC 17043 and ISO/IEC 17025.

Certified certificate from the Gulf Accreditation Center

Course times

SN Date Location Fees Apply
1 29 - 30 Sep 2020 Online 1000 SAR Ended